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How To Make Money With A Blog - The Single Most Important Step

Surely, there's a lot to learn, when you want to know how to make money with a blog. However, there's one important thing that most people never think of, and which could make the difference between making a few dollars per week, and a steady income.

You have to read on to learn about the single most important step that most people leave out, but the pro-bloggers do. If you heard about it at this point, it wouldn't make sense.
So let us just take a look at what is working, when you want to earn an income from your blog.

You could start a free Blogger blog, of course, but in most cases, it would be in your best interest to take another road.
Find out what niche you want to attack. Then get yourself a domain and a web host. You'll also need to download and install the PHP script that is necessary for the blog. WordPress is perfect for this purpose, and you can get nice-looking, free themes for it.

Pick a theme with light background colors. White would work fine. Write a blog post right away, and plan to do more regularly. Once per day is ideal, but fewer and more will also work. It's more important that you're consistent, than whether you write one blog post per day, per week, or per hour.

Put AdSense units on your blog. Make sure, they are all placed above the fold, and that they blend in well with the theme. Send traffic to your blog, and keep adding fresh and unique content.
After a while, you'll start to make money. Maybe not a lot, but a few dollars per day is still at least $30 by the end of the month.

This is the moment you have to take a deep breath and commit yourself to take the next step. The most important step of them all, and the step, so few people ever take.
Rinse and repeat.

Oh, was that it?

Yes, as simple as it sounds, it contains the power of taking your blog writings from being a hobby to being a business.
Imagine how if one blog makes you $2 per day, what about two blogs, then? Or three?

Given the right system, you could easily manage five blogs per week, and if they all give as little as two dollars per day, it's still ten bucks daily, and $300 extra by the end of the month.

Do you want step by step training to help you make money with your blog?

At Wealthy Affiliate they will teach you step by step on how to make money online with websites. Its not a get rich quick thing as you will need to put in the work to see results. If this is something that you want to do then check it out. You can sign up for free.

Click Here To Start Building Your Online Business


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