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Vegas 2018. It Was Big.

Every Year Wealthy Affiliate invites members to las vegas. Its an all expenses paid trip if you make 300 premium sales within the year. Here is part of one of the posts I came across:

We have just returned from the Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference. I would be understating it if I said it was a great time, it was nothing short of brilliant and it was amazing to be surrounded by such an awesome group of people. There's something to be said when you're hanging out with 15 fellow (our largest group yet), like-minded individuals what's it coming goal of helping people create success within the online world.

Vegas also gives us the opportunity to hash out ideas and current projects that we are either working on, or we'll be working on by some smartest minds in the business. Sometimes our ideas are great, sometimes our ideas aren't quite there yet and need some refinement (after we get feedback). That is business and that is what we love about it.



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