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How To Build An Affiliate Website In 3 Simple Steps:

Assuming you already have chosen which vertical market (niche) that you plan to make your affiliate website topic about, its a three step process to get started. And you can get create the basic framework in a single day even if you have no experience with website building or technical knowledge.

The easiest website building platform to use is WordPress and that’s what I recommend. WordPress is free, but you’ll need a small investment for your domain name (unless you already have one) and a hosting account to build your new website on.

Here are the 3 steps:

Get Your Domain Name And Hosting Account: You can do both of these tasks in one place.

Install WordPress On Your New Hosting Account: This is a simple process that your new hosting provider will show you

Start Making Your Website Your Own: This is where you start personalizing the theme, colors and layout of your website so you can begin adding content to it.

Once you get your website live on the internet, you’ll need to choose which type of website you want to model you would like to use:

4 Profitable Affiliate Website Models

There are several profitable affiliate marketing site types or ‘models’ to choose from. Here are four good ones

1. Personal Affiliate Blog

Personal affiliate sites focus primarily on you and your area of expertise or knowledge. It allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and build personal trust that will allow you to promote affiliate products from your site visitors.

If you choose this model you’ll have the best results if you post high-quality content daily and interact with your audience through social media, questions and answers, and email.

Expect to be very personally involved with your audience since this model demands the most from you. Further, it takes some time to build both your reputation and your audience so have some patience using this approach.

2. Product Review Site

The product review website model is great since many shoppers use the internet to save time researching their potential purchases. If you choose this website type be prepared to face a lot of competition.

Since there are so many review sites out there you must find an approach or ‘hook’ that is unique to set your site apart. It’s best to drill down into a small segment of your niche and expand from there instead of casting a large net over an entire market.

It’s important to choose a niche that you either know a lot about or are passionate about. If you come across as inexperienced or unknowledgeable your visitors will likely go somewhere else – fast.

Review site monetization comes from affiliate sales, referrals, and promotions.

3. An Authority Website

An authority website is a very high quality website that is respected by knowledgeable people in that niche or industry. It’s usually a large website that is deep in content and covers all topics related to that particular market. It becomes the go-to source for that specific segment.

Authority websites take years to develop so if you choose this model make sure you have other income streams coming in while you build it out. The monetization options for authority sites are only limited by your imagination.

Advertising, straight affiliate marketing, 2nd-tier models, paid reviews, JV’s, are just a few examples of how to make income from authority sites.

4. Price Comparison Website

Price comparison sites differ from product review sites in that they compare several companies instead of individual products. For now they’re mainly found in large markets such as appliances, cars, travel, electronics, and insurance. This leaves lots of opportunity for you in smaller niche markets where there is plenty of money to be made.

These sites allow consumers to find the best price prior to being sent to the retailer’s site where you’ll get the referral fee or share of the commission depending upon the comp model you choose.

Would You Like To Learn How To Do This?

If you are interested in learning how to do this you can take a look at this training program. Its the program that will provide you with the step by step training to get started. You can sign up for free to give it a test drive.


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