If you are just learning how to make money online with affiliate marketing, you have probably worked hard to get the content on your site just right. It can be difficult to fill up a website initially because you have no old information to pull from if you are just starting out and you must prepare tons of fresh and compelling material. Once you have been in operation awhile, you will be able to archive your material and fall back on it from time to time as needed. Building a successful website is not easy and it's sometimes hard to determine exactly what you need to display there. It might help you to mentally visualize your site as an actual brick & mortar store, with a doorway, showcase windows, fancy shelving, checkout counter, and storage room. The "doorway" to your website might be a simple text-link people click to get to your home page. If so, then it will likely be similar to or exactly the same words you named your business. Make sure it's somethi...