Sunday, December 29, 2019

Wealthy Affiliate - What You Need To Know Before Joining

This post is for those who are thinking about joining wealthy affiliate. Mainly for newbies who don't know anything about building an online business.

If you come across wealthy affiliate's main page it tells you that you can build a business by choosing an interest, build a website, attract visitors, and make money. Its sounds simple but wealthy affiliate can be overwhelming for a complete newbie. I don't want to sound negative I'm just telling the truth. Many people will say that if you do the step by step training it will help you cut down on the learning curve but it doesn't help when you don't know what you are doing the training for.

Many people join wealthy affiliate to make money we all want more money but for a newbie it could be hard for them to comprehend all of the training in order to "make money" I have been at wealthy affiliate for a while but when I first started I didn't know what I was doing so I left. But what I did was take some of their training and try to do it on my own. Yes I did make money on my own but I needed some questions answered and at the time I didn't have the community to ask for help. So I rejoined.

Many people sign up to wealthy affiliate thinking that you will make money right away. No not the case. If you do sign up for the free starter membership do realize that wealthy affiliate is not just teaching you how to build a website but they are teaching you how to build a real business.

If you invest in wealthy affiliate it does guarantee a 'real world' education and if applied, will guarantee you a Business. What is the investment? Its either $49/month or $359 for the year. Most businesses take more to invest but you will need more money when you start expanding. But to start an online business for $49 a month or $359 for the year is nothing.

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