Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Best Way To Find A Niche Market

Are you having trouble finding a niche market? Consider this story...two entrepreneurs open restaurants across the street from one another. The first is a master chef with tons of money. He hires the very best people there are for his restaurant, has the best decor, the freshest and best food, tons of advertising and publicity, etc.

The second entrepreneur has no experience, next to no money, knows nothing about hiring good people, etc. Yet when the two restaurants open the second entrepreneur is a huge success and the first barely survives because the second had ONE advantage the other did not have, one advantage that trumped all the first one's skills, contacts, knowledge and money.

And what was that advantage? The second entrepreneur had a starving market. His customers were literally starving for what he had to offer. The first one's? Not so much. But because they wanted the food being served up by the second entrepreneur SO badly his customers were willing to overlook his lack of experience. contacts and money. In fact, his customers would probably have provided him with any money he needed because they wanted what he was serving so badly.

The moral of the story is simply this: Look for starving markets. They are hard to find but they do exist. And if you find one it matters little what experience, contacts, market or business knowledge or money you have.

Want to learn how to find niche markets? Check out this training here

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