Nowadays many people are looking for ways to make extra money. So they start searching online and they find out that you can start your own online business and make money online. The problem is they don't know where to start. There are many ways that you can make money online but if you are just starting out you need to ask yourself WHY you want to start your own online business? Perhaps its because you want to quit your day job or you want extra money so you can buy that new car that you've always wanted. So many people want to make money online but most of them don't take it seriously.
So here are 7 steps to starting an online business:
1.Concept/Idea: This is a key part as you need to have a feasible idea for your online business as well as a Unique Selling Point. From the two examples, the single mum might have her own product but if not can become an affiliate for an existing product with potential; also, the high street shop owner can set an 'online shop'.
2.Domain Name and Web Hosting: The domain name is like your 'tag' so selecting a good domain name that is both memorable and search engine friendly is key to developing an Internet business. It is also extremely important to find a reliable web hosting company that can cater for your needs.
3.Website Design: The website is what the Internet is all about and needs to sell your business. Either design it yourself or commission someone else.
4.Marketing: I won't elaborate on the importance of a sound marketing plan, but a lot of time and research needs to go developing a great marketing plan that will target your potential audience.
5.Building a Customer Database: One of the best things about an Internet Business is that you get easily traceable results; a decent online business, along with its marketing plan will be able to track its customers and then capture their details so as to build a list.
6.Building Relationships and Repeat Business: It is a known fact that a customer that has bought from you before is more than likely to buy again, if satisfied. You need to build a good rapport with the customers so as to gain their trust and hence repeat business.
7.Test, Refine and Reinvest: The online business owner needs to be constantly testing its effectiveness of the website and more importantly its marketing plan, refine it needed and then reinvest a portion of the profits to further build the business and/or create new products.
The steps above are not exhaustive but merely give a good outline on how to start an online business.
I have found a program that will help you start your one online business. I suggest you check out the Chris Farrell Membership.
So here are 7 steps to starting an online business:
1.Concept/Idea: This is a key part as you need to have a feasible idea for your online business as well as a Unique Selling Point. From the two examples, the single mum might have her own product but if not can become an affiliate for an existing product with potential; also, the high street shop owner can set an 'online shop'.
2.Domain Name and Web Hosting: The domain name is like your 'tag' so selecting a good domain name that is both memorable and search engine friendly is key to developing an Internet business. It is also extremely important to find a reliable web hosting company that can cater for your needs.
3.Website Design: The website is what the Internet is all about and needs to sell your business. Either design it yourself or commission someone else.
4.Marketing: I won't elaborate on the importance of a sound marketing plan, but a lot of time and research needs to go developing a great marketing plan that will target your potential audience.
5.Building a Customer Database: One of the best things about an Internet Business is that you get easily traceable results; a decent online business, along with its marketing plan will be able to track its customers and then capture their details so as to build a list.
6.Building Relationships and Repeat Business: It is a known fact that a customer that has bought from you before is more than likely to buy again, if satisfied. You need to build a good rapport with the customers so as to gain their trust and hence repeat business.
7.Test, Refine and Reinvest: The online business owner needs to be constantly testing its effectiveness of the website and more importantly its marketing plan, refine it needed and then reinvest a portion of the profits to further build the business and/or create new products.
The steps above are not exhaustive but merely give a good outline on how to start an online business.
I have found a program that will help you start your one online business. I suggest you check out the Chris Farrell Membership.