If you are just starting out with affiliate marketing chances are you don't have that much money to spend. If you don't have much money to spend you can use free methods. There are a lot of free methods like article marketing and video marketing but keep in mind that using free methods is going to take time. If you are realty on a budget you can visit a site like wealthy affiliate and start for free. But if you want your business to grow you are going to have t spend money.
On the other hand if you do have money to spend you can look at paid traffic sources like bing or adwords. With paid traffic though if you don't know what you are doing you can lose money quickly.
Like I said before if you don't have any money to start your online business I suggest you have a look at wealthy affiliate.
On the other hand if you do have money to spend you can look at paid traffic sources like bing or adwords. With paid traffic though if you don't know what you are doing you can lose money quickly.
Like I said before if you don't have any money to start your online business I suggest you have a look at wealthy affiliate.