Monday, April 15, 2019

What is an easy honest way to make money at home but still rewarding?

I would say that “easy” is the wrong word to use. There is a learning curve to all of the legitimate business models — and they all take work on your part. It’s about learning, implementing what you learn, and then tweaking stuff along the way. Here are some common ways to make money at home (just depends what you’re into):

Blogging and affiliate marketing. You can write about things you’re passionate about, while promoting products and services to people. Whenever they purchase something you recommend, through your special link (a.k.a. affiliate link), you will earn a commission. This is a long-term business model that works in any profitable niche. If interested, see my profile for more.

Youtube Content Creator. This one doesn’t require much explanation. Once you have a certain number of subscribers and hours of watched videos (within the last 12 months), you can apply to be a Youtube partner and make money via the adsense program. Content creators with larger social media followings and incorporate affiliate marketing by promoting products and services they use in their description boxes.

Kindle Publishing. If you like to write short stories, novels, or e-books, you can make money by publishing your stuff on Amazon. Since books are one of the things Amazon sells the most of, it has it’s own built-in community over there.

Selling Physical Products on Amazon. A lot of people don’t know this model exist, but you can actually make money by selling physical products from Amazon’s website. The reason you don’t hear much about it is because the business model and the courses that teach it require a significant investment — considerably more than the others.

It is possible to make money online and work for yourself. If you are interested have a look at a site called wealthy affiliate. Its a site that will provide you with the tools to start building your own online business. A real opportunity not a scam.

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