Saturday, March 9, 2019

Making Money Online - Some Common Questions

When you are thinking about making money online their are some common questions that come up before getting started. In this blog post I am going to go over some common questions.

1. I want to make money online but I don't know how to build a website (the technical stuff) - I know if you are just getting started it can get frustrating with the technical stuff building a website ect.. the program that I know of that will show you how to build a website from scratch is wealthy affiliate. So no you don't need any experience.

2. I don't have a product to sell online how can I make money then? You don't need a product. You get your products to see through affiliate programs. There are many affiliate programs out there. Just about any product that you can think of has an affiliate program. Some of the most common affiliate programs are clickbank, Commission junction, amazon ect. There are affiliate programs that pay in the thousands so the earning potential is unlimited.

3.When Can I start making money? I can't give you a definite answer. It depends on how much work you put into it. This is the most common question. Some people make money faster than others so it depends. At wealthy affiliate they will show you from scratch how to make money online with your website.

4. I want to make money online but I'm not sure if I have the time If you have a day job you can still do this as a side hustle. You need to be dedicated.

5. Can I make money on my own? You can but it will take up so much time. plus if you need help you won't know how to get it. That why I would look into joining an online community that will help you.

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